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Nature, goals and structure


The International GeoGebra Institute (IGI, http://www.geogebra.org/igi) is a central, virtual organization that works together with independent regionally-based GeoGebra Institutes. IGI provides free dynamic mathematics software and shares expertise in training, support and the development of materials for all students and teachers to improve mathematics, science and technology education world-wide. It nurtures and promotes collaboration between practitioners and researchers, seeking to establish self-sustaining user communities.


The International GeoGebra Institute and its local GeoGebra Institutes share the following three goals:

1.   Training and Support: To coordinate and provide professional development opportunities and support for both pre-service and in-service teachers.

2.   Development and Sharing: To develop and share workshop resources and classroom materials, and to continually improve and extend the dynamic mathematics software GeoGebra.

3.   Research and Collaboration: To conduct and support GeoGebra-related research which focuses on the teaching and learning of mathematics in order to inform and improve training and development activities, and to promote collaboration between IGI and local GeoGebra Institutes and between international colleagues.

Structure of GeoGebra Institute of Ruse

The GeoGebra Institute of Ruse (GGIR) will function in the framework of the Angel Kanchev University of Ruse.


Last Updated on Saturday, 31 May 2014 13:11