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Main goals of GeoGebra Institute of Ruse


The main goals of GGIR are to support activities and to apply the research results of the International GeoGebra Institute for enhancing the quality of scientific research and teaching Mathematics and Computer Sciences in Universities and Schools.

The main activities of GGR are:

  • Support establishing of GeoGebra Institutes (GG network) in many countries or in the region of Bulgaria.
  • Initiate, develop, organize and take part in:

-   International scientific and educational projects.

-   International competition “Young Researcher”.

-   International journal “Teaching and Learning Mathematics and Computer Sciences”.

-  International, national and regional conferences, workshops, scientific research, publications.

-  Training courses for school and universities students, teachers, etc. other innovative activities and events.

  • Develop and accredit Doctoral Degree Program “Teaching Mathematics” on the basis of GeoGebra applications.  
  • Create a non-formal society of GeoGebra users.
  • Translate all new results of GeoGebra software in Bulgarian language.
  • Develop web site with database of available source materials for scientific research and teaching mathematics on the basis of GeoGebra.
  • Disseminate the GeoGebra products and support impact of IGI in contemporary education and sciences.
  • Connect GeoGebra Institutes with international research and education groups as “Mathematics Creativity and Giftedness” .

Last Updated on Saturday, 31 May 2014 13:04