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"Angel Kanchev" University of Ruse
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On 12 November 1945 the first out-of-capital higher education institution was founded in Ruse. Its three departments were specialized in Engineering for the purposes of the agricultural sector. On 13 June 1966, as a result of its intensive growth, the Minister of Education issued an Order No. 2583 to set up a Higher Institute of Mechanical Engineering, Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture. On 9 April 1981, due to the widened scope of its engineering provision, including the sectors of transport, electronics and computing,  it was  transformed into ’Angel Kanchev’ Technical University by a Decree No. 584 of the Council of Ministers. On 1 August 1995 a Decision of the National Assembly was made to establish “Angel Kanchev” University of Ruse, thus recognizing its academic expertise not only in the engineering fields, but also in natural sciences, education, law, public health and healthcare, business and management, which were introduced as a response to the societal changes.


Its mission and goals are based on commitments for:

Quality assurance of all its degree programmes

Excellence in fundamental and applied research

Internationalization of staff and student communities

National leadership in the European Union exchange programmes

Constant widening of lifelong learning opportunities

Building successful lives and careers for students and graduates

Proactive and reactive approach to societal needs and business demands

Attractive and creative environment for personal development


The academic year at the University of Ruse starts in September and is divided into two semesters – Fall and Spring. Each semester consists of:

  •  15 weeks of classes;
  •  4 weeks of regular examination session;
  •  1 week for supplementary examination and 1 vacation week after the fall semester;
  •  Summer holidays (4-8 weeks) start after the end of the examination session and last till the beginning of the new academic year or till the beginning of the annual supplementary examination session in September for those students who have to resit exams left from the previous year.

The organisation of the training process is realised in the framework of the Academic Calendar, which is adopted each year by a resolution of the University’s Academic Council.

BUSINESS CARD of the University of Ruse (UR)

Name of higher education institution

 “Angel Kanchev” University of Ruse

Type of higher education institution

 State University

Location and address

 8, Studentska Street, Ruse 7017, Bulgaria


Rector  Prof. Hristo Beloev, MEng, PhDDSc


Number of students for the academic year 2011-12:  9750

Number of international students: 311 from 17 countries

Number of PhD students for the period 2000-2012: 346

Full-time personnel 538 of which full and associate professors 242, holders with DSc degree – 13; holders with PhD degree  – 274.

Administrative staff259.

Number of degree programmes offered:

47 in 6 of the 10 major fields of study (education, humanities, economics and management, mathematics and natural sciences, health care, engineering and technology)

The University of Ruse is the only university in the present and former Ruse region (with a population of approximately 1 million), which complies with the international index “one higher education institution per one million people”.  

The University of Ruse is a regular member of the European Association of the Universities from the Danube Countries.

The University of Ruse is a regular member of the Danube Rectors’ Conference.


International Collaboration and Admission of Foreign Students

International collaboration

The University of Ruse develops its international cooperation through:

  •  Participation in the scientific EC programmes - NATO, SIXTH and SEVENTH FRAMEWORK PROGRAMMEs, PHARE.
  •  Participation in the educational programmes - CEEPUS, ERASMUS, LEONARDO DA VINCI, COMENIUS.
  •  Participation in bilateral collaboration with traditional and new partners.

The University of Ruse is one of the first Bulgarian universities which got involved in the ERASMUS programme. There are more than 170 Bilateral agreements signed with 25 European countries. At least 70 undergraduate, post-graduate and PhD-students are annually involved in all EU exchange programmes.

The University of Ruse is the only university in Bulgaria which coordinates three thematic networks of about 70 participants from 31 countries. 


Admission of foreign students

Terms of study:

  •  For a Bachelor’s degree - 4 years;
  •  For a Master’s degree – 1 or 1,5 years following a Bachelor’s degree programme;
  •  For a Doctoral degree – a minimum of 3 years

Last Updated on Saturday, 31 May 2014 13:23